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The nefk2025 conference welcomes abstracts reflecting the conference theme ”Nordic 2.0 and beyond”, for presentation in panels, roundtables and workshops, or as posters.

On the submission form, select the panel that best matches the theme of your submission. You may also submit to an open panel. Workshops and roundtables also welcome submissions; please review their descriptions for details. If you are submitting  a poster, select the option “poster presentation”.

Panel, roundtable and workshop descriptions can be found here.

  • Call for Papers & Posters: 1 December 2024–26 January 2025 (extended)
  • Notification of Acceptance: 7 February 2025
  • Early Bird Registration: 15 February–15 March 2025
  • Deadline for the presenters to register: 30 March 2025
  • All submissions must be sent via the Oxford Abstracts online submission system. Register to Oxford Abstracts to submit.
  • Answer all the questions on the form and click ”submit” to complete the abstract submission.
  • After submission, you can sign in again if needed and amend your submission until the final submission deadline.
  • Note that uncompleted submissions will not be reviewed.
  • Language: The abstract must be written in the language of the panel, roundtable or workshop (Danish/Norwegian/Swedish or in English) reflected in the panel/roundtable/workshop description.
  • Abstract  body text limited to 250 words. Please proofread your text.
  • References are not required, but if you wish to include them, please note that they must be included within the word limit.
  • List all authors names, note that affiliations should contain institution, city, and country. Also mark the presenting author (tick box).
  • Choose 2-4 keywords to characterise your submission.
  • Note that acceptance information will be sent to the submitter only. Possible later correspondence and general information will be sent to the presenting author as well (if submitter is not the presenter), email requested on the submission form. Remember to inform in case you wish to change the presenting author.
  • Accepted proposal abstracts will be published on the conference website/online programme.
  • Review: Abstracts are evaluated by the panel, workshop, and roundtable convenors  and will be subject to blind review.  Final acceptance decisions will be made by the nefk2025 committee.
  • nefk2025 is an onsite conference, presentations take place in Turku.
  • Abstracts are presented as oral presentation or posters.
  • One (1) paper is allowed per person (oral presentation), but paper presenters can also convene a panel, take part in a workshop or roundtable, and submit a poster presentation, if they wish.
  • Note that all presenters must register as conference participants and pay the conference registration fee by 30 March.
  • If the presenter changes, remember to inform
  • Presentation guidelines will be available in the spring.
Submit your abstract

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact Remember to quote your abstract reference number in any communication with us.

If you have any questions relating to the scientific content, please contact

A poster is a visual representation of your research, project, or idea, designed to engage viewers and spark discussion. It’s a way to share your work, receive feedback, and connect with other participants during the conference. Poster abstracts must conform to the same basic requirements outlined for the panel sessions. The posters will be on display throughout the congress, with a dedicated slot for when poster presenters will be available to answer questions/discuss their topic with colleagues. All posters must bring their posters (size A0) themselves.

  • poster title
  • the name/s and email address/es of author/s
  • a long abstract of fewer than 250 words

The conference takes place in Turku/Åbo. Only keynotes are streamed. However, if a convenor would like to stream, you are welcome to organize it yourself. Please contact us if you are planning a hybrid session.

  • Panels: a panel is 90 minutes including as many papers as the convenors see fit. We encourage convenors to be creative with the format. There can be double panels (2×90) but not longer.
  • Roundtables: a group of scholars (usually no more than five) discuss themes/issues of general scholarly interest in front of, and subsequently with, an audience for the duration of a 90-minute session (no double option). While a roundtable can begin with short presentations/initial arguments, the main idea is to create a lively debate. Please state in your proposal how you intend to include the audience in the discussion.
  • Workshops: practical events containing collective research activities, guided interactions, etc. They may include elements of performance, or various collective indoor or outdoor activities. A workshop can have up to two 90-minute sessions.
  • The theme of the conference ”Nordic 2.0 and beyond” should be addressed in the proposals.
  • The convenors need to be prepared to evaluate the incoming proposals in January 2025.
  • Panels can either be in Danish/Norwegian/Swedish or in English. The choice of language should be reflected in the abstract.
  • There is no limit to the number of convenors.
  • We encourage collaboration across borders and between universities, but there is no requirement that the convenors represent different universities/institutions/countries.
  • Attendees are only allowed to present one paper, but can also chair a session, take part in workshops, and present a poster.
  • Session length will be 90 minutes for panels, workshops and roundtables. No panel or workshop may run for more than two sessions of 90 minutes, and roundtables may run for a single 90-minute session.
  • The organizing committee have the right to accept or reject panel/workshop/round table proposals.
  • All proposals must provide:
    1. The format of your proposal (panel, roundtable, workshop).
    2. A title.
    3. Names, email addresses and affiliations of the conveners.
    4. A short abstract of no more than 500 characters.
    5. A long abstract, or description, of less than 250 words.

Please note that the convenors of the panels, roundtables and workshops must register as conference participants and pay the conference registration fee by 1 March 2025.